Roll-Gom company manufacturing recycled rubber wheels, is located in the industrial area of Tilloy-les-Mofflaines near Arras (62 - Pas de Calais).

AUREA is one of the oldest companies on the Paris stock exchange, it has been listed since the 19th century. The name was changed in 1988 from AUER to AUREA.
On July 22nd 2003, FINANCIERE 97, controlled by Mr Joël PICARD, launched a take-over of AUREA, with the stated objective to form a group dedicated to sustainable development and notably regenerating and recycling of raw materials.
On August 27th 2004, AUREA acquired all the shares in COMPAGNIE FRANCAISE ECO HUILE, specialised in regenerating used motor oils, against newly emitted shares in AUREA. This acquisition was the starting point for the new AUREA group that subsequently grew through additional acquisitions. Below is the current legal organisation chart.